
Silversmithing at London Met

I signed up for ten 1-day sessions of silversmithing at Sir John Cass Faculty of Art, Media and Design, a school within London Metropolitan University. The sessions were tutored by Steve Wager, and financed for me by London Central YMCA as part of my continuing professional development. Sign of the times; I signed up together with only two others, both young women in their twenties. Also on the course were more than a dozen 'old timers' fairly evenly split between the sexes and mostly over fifty years old (but still mostly younger than me!). For full course notes, see my Wordpress blog at this link (opens in new window)

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I found my time there hugely enjoyable, and 'bashed out' my first bowl from 1mm gilding metal (first & last stages shown above), followed by a spoon in copper,

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then a pill-pot in gilding metal;

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I also made a start on a larger bowl, and independently hammered a scrap silver sprue into a small spoon. I'm planning to take the Autumn term starting in early October.